mardi 20 janvier 2009


Last night, Richard made us these Gougères au saumon, little cheese 'balls' with smoked salmon, they were delicious! A perfect opportunity to try some more with my new 50mm lens, playing with wide open aperture! thanks for looking

10 commentaires:

Reds a dit…

Never had that - but looks mighty good! Great food shot!

Becca a dit…

Those look yummy! I have an obsession w/photographing food. Nice dof in this shot.

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) a dit…

They look so good.

Mom2Drew a dit…

They were delicious when they were just cheese balls, but when that salmon was added...they became NEcESSARY for me to make!

Susan a dit…

they look wonderful!

Becky a dit…

I love food photography, and these look delicious!

janett a dit…

Mmmmm that looks (and sounds!) delicious!

Angela2932 a dit…

This looks seriously delicious! Care to share the recipe? And I love the lens you're using, because it's my wonderful new one as well!

R.A. BNKetti a dit…

Those look so yummy! French food is amazing!!! Great picture!:)

Nnairda's a dit…

Yummo!!! I just gained 10 pounds looking at them. Your photography is becoming increasingly amazing. I'm inspired!
