mardi 13 janvier 2009

January 14 - a photo that makes me happy!

This picture is taken in the bathroom with the flash, because in the bathroom, even with the lights on, there is NO light! I haven't done anything to this picture, besides cropping it a little, simple because I don't know how to do that! ;-) Thanks for looking!

8 commentaires:

Liz a dit…

What a fun photo.. I can see what that little face would make you smile. :)

Reds a dit…

What a smile - that smile would make me happy too! :)

Mom2Drew a dit…

It makes me happy too!!!! Looks great, way to go for using flash:)

Anonyme a dit…

Fun photo! I have been trying to use my flash more!

pat a dit…

I certainly understand why that would make you happy! Great shot. I love his expression.

pakosta a dit…

what an awesome smile!!! it made me smile!

Becky a dit…

I can see why it makes you happy. What a great grin!

Amy a dit…

What a cutie, this shot made me smile too!