jeudi 15 janvier 2009

January 16 - our neighbour village

Ooooh, I missed a day! :-( I hope to make up for that today by posting several photos, I took the kids to our neighbour village for a walk and some pictures and thought I'd show you some, so that you can see what France looks like, or at least, the part of France I live in.
First a little overview of what you see when you're at the entrance of the village. It's an old, stone village, quite cute actually. And a closer look at what I think must be main street, or one of them :-)
Just outside the village I saw this "barrage" in a tiny stream, I'm not really sure how to call this. It might be where the women washed the clothes, once upon a time? (not sure at all!)
Next is just a cute spot in the village, I imagine it looks better in summer, with flowers, but isn't that true for almost anywhere?
And the last picture is one of a tree with red flowerish things in it, I was so happy to see some colour in a tree ;-)
Thanks for looking, I hope you liked the little I show you of my part of the world :-)

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ok I want to visit you . What a neat place. Love all the photos!

Lori a dit…

LOVE those gorgeous stone buildings!!!

Reds a dit…

C'est magnifique! Would love to live near a beautiful village like that!

Mandy a dit…

I am SO entirely in awe of where you live and I think I might have to come visit. I could not imagine living in a place like that.

CindyTykie a dit…

Awesome shots!!!

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) a dit…

What a gorgeous village TGS

Amy a dit…

What a cute little village, my favorites are the second and fourth shots! :)

Margaret a dit…

Incredibly beautiful! Love all the brick and stone! Wow!